Liability Definition
A Liability is the obligation of a Company or Entity to repay a Debt or Expense due to current or past operations of the company. To make that simple, A Liability is the obligation of a company to repay a debt.

How Professional Investors Hedge Their Portfolio
What is Hedging? In order to understand what Hedging is, you need to have an idea of why you should want to Hedge in the first place. If you go to work every day, make money, pay for your house, car, food, family expenses and manage to save

Asset Definition
Asset definition: What is an Asset? An asset is any resource that a corporation or individual either owns or has the right to which provides current or future value. Such as owning a vehicle or having cash on hand but also may be a quality such as someone’s

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Mortgages Part 2
Welcome to part 2 of 15 things you didn’t know about mortgages. If you missed the first few check them out here. let’s dive right in and take a look. Part 1 What is a mortgage? 1-Paying interest at the start 2-Mortgage rates change all the time 3-Negotiating rates 4-You

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Mortgages Part 3
There are many things you ma not know about mortgages. The more you know about your house and how your Mortgage works the better chance you have of making a real difference i your finances.

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Mortgages (Part 1)
There are Millions of Mortgages out there and there are a lot of details you may not know about the Mortgage you have. Look at some of the most important details you might have missed.

Costly Ways The Bank Takes Money From Your Pocket Every Day
Banks are constantly taking money from us throughout our daily lives. Banks are a business like any other. Everywhere around you, there are places to purchase things, places to put our money for investing or storage. The constant for all of these purchases or investments is; The Bank.