Is Being An Entrepreneur Worth It? Are they happier?
Thinking about becoming an entrepreneur? Wondering if it will actually improve your life? These are questions that should be going through your mind if you are thinking about entrepreneurship and venturing out on your own. Being an entrepreneur is absolutely worth it, entrepreneurs/self-employed people are happier and feel

How Much Does A Part Time Job Pay In Canada?
There are a lot of people who are working Part-Time and trying to make ends meet. If you are considering getting a Part-Time job knowing how much you will likely be paid can help in finding the right position for you. The average Part-Time Salary in Canada for

13 Strategies The Rich use to Avoid Paying Taxes!
Let’s face it, the rich don’t “work” the same way as labor employees. The rich have advantages in multiple areas that most people don’t. Why is that? Because they use tax advantages and other entities to avoid paying taxes! This isn’t to say you can’t use some or

Is It Worth Buying US Stocks In Canada?
So many things go into deciding which investments to make, and when you are deciding on whether it is worth buying US Stocks in Canada there are several things that you should be aware of. Buying US Stocks as a Canadian is a great way to diversify your

Where To Get 10 Dollars In Quarters?
There are multiple reasons you may need to get quarters. Perhaps you are planning a yard sale or helping your kids make a lemonade stand. Maybe the closest bank is too far away and you need to do laundry. Either way, you have several options to get 10

Is It Ok To Be Letting Money Sit In The Bank?
Having money sitting in the bank is not a bad problem to have. There are a lot of people that don’t have much if anything sitting in the bank. But there are some drawbacks to having your money just sit in the bank and not working for you.

Why Do The Rich Invest In Art?
Collecting items of value has been a long time strategy of the rich. It comes as no surprise that many people want to invest in Art and other collectibles such as coins, stamps, or Gold. There are many different investments and with so many people wanting to diversify

What Truly Separates The Rich From The Poor
There are some big differences between the rich and the poor. Many of which are just a matter of discipline and knowledge in areas that aren’t readily taught in schools as we grow up. Subjects about finance and even home economics are very important to everyone’s success even
The Top 10 Most Common Financial Problems and Challenges
At some point in time, everyone is going to have one or more of these common financial problems. I have fallen victim to them myself. One of the best ways to ease the financial challenges in your life is to learn more and try to implement as many

12 Things to Help If You Feel Like You Will Never Make Enough Money
There are so many people today that are worried about their lives. The constant wage gap that keeps growing and the prices of every day good increasing all the time it is no wonder you feel like you will never make enough money. There is hope though. You

Is a Savings Account Safer Than a Checking Account
In today’s world where so much of our time and money is online, knowing where to keep your money safe is important. I don’t want to go to work every day just to have someone steal it from me and then not be able to afford my bills.

If You Save $200 A Month For A Year How Much You Have?
Saving money is one of the most effective ways to get ahead in life and work toward building safety nets like an emergency fund. Throughout our lives, we are told we need to save more and cut down on expenses. In reality, you don’t need to save