Who are we?
who am i?
My name is Mark Laforet and this is what I’m about.
I’d like to ask you a few questions. I know this is my about page but that’s ok. I want to know if any of these statements or questions relate to you. Have you felt this way before? Are you feeling it now?
- You feel like you’re drowning in debt?
- You don’t know if you will be able to retire?
- You have next to nothing saved up and you’re not sure what to do?
- You want to be financially free, financially independent.
- You don’t know how to invest.
- You can’t invest you feel like you’re not smart enough.
I want you to ask yourself these questions. Do any of them resonate within you? Hit you right at your core? They did with me. These things got me right in the feels.
I don’t want to be drowning in debt. Really no one does. Or do they? There are ways of using debt to your advantage. I didn’t know that for the longest time. I was always taught debt is bad! Don’t have debt! Pay it off as fast as possible!!
When I started this Blog I had very little money saved up let alone invested into anything. I didn’t know what to do, how to do it or where to start. It’s a hard thing to face when the information is so vast and overwhelming.
I knew that I had to find out how to invest. I needed to learn where to place my money as well as, why to put it here not there.
I felt like after so many years of working I would be farther ahead than I was.
I’m doing well don’t get me wrong. I have a full-time career working as a licensed diesel mechanic. So when I go to work I get to fix transport trucks and trailers, motor homes, or buses. Anything that comes in the door I get to fix. Lucky me!
Maybe you don’t feel that way though. You have some money put away in an RRSP or TFSA. That’s great but is it going to be enough?
Do you want the freedom of Financial Independence? Not having to rely on someone else to provide you a job for income.
That’s what we are all about. Working toward financial independence through learning about finances.
Business finances and the advantages of owning a business. Investing through business and investing Personally.
You will find a lot of resources at your disposal here the potential to learn is only slowed by your willingness to absorb the information presented.
Hi, I’m Mark
I’m a 29-year-old diesel mechanic in a small town in Ontario. I love hunting, fishing, and everything outdoors.
I’ve always been pretty good with money but recently I started really learning more and diving into the vast world of investing. I strive to learn how I can change my lifestyle to make investing and daily life not just better but Extraordinary!
I am constantly reading and learning new things about finance, investing, business and life. I haven’t quite figured out if it’s an obsession or some kind of compulsive disorder yet. My wife may say it’s an obsession but I’d like to think of it as Passionate.
The BIGGEST thing I noticed through my obsession (I mean Passion) was that almost everyone was in the same boat I was in except, THEY HAD NO IDEA!
All around me people were giving their money out to someone they hoped would be smarter than themselves and then what? Where is their money? Who has it? Is it where it should be? Do they actually understand what the risks are?
When I started doing this I didn’t know. That was my driving force, I had no idea. Now, I have no idea but I know A LOT more than I did before.
The idea that came to me about people, maybe you, being in the same boat I was struck me. I knew I could use the information I was absorbing all the time to accomplish two things
- Create a business to allow me the freedom to explore a new world.
- Help you achieve financial freedom like I’m striving for.
There’s something to be said about a willingness to learn. If you’re here I assume you are one of the few who are willing to explore the world of investing and strive to better yourself.
There are a few things you can do to help you on your journey:
- Sign up and be a part of our exclusive members list.
- Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
- Shoot to the Start Here page, and
- Head over to the blog and start Learning.